Protecting Communities from Displacement.

Greening In Place presents a framework for equitable green development to inform the efforts of park agencies, conservation authorities, and community advocates as they work to promote healthy, sustainable, and inclusive green development.


The Guide assesses displacement risks associated with green infrastructure investment and provides a number of recommended strategies to reduce the potential harmful economic impacts such investments may have on vulnerable populations. Accompanying this Guide is an appendix on implementing the strategies listed here, which breaks down when different strategies in this Guide could be pursued by different stakeholders in the development process.

What is Equitable Green Development? 


When we talk about equitable green development in this Guide, we refer to development that prioritizes investment in, and engagement with, low-income communities and communities of color that have historically been excluded from and/or harmed by land use and environmental policy decisions.


An equitable green development framework aims to rectify these harms and improve access to green infrastructure in low-income communities and communities of color. Equitable green development ensures that green infrastructure benefits historically disadvantaged people and communities.



Concerning COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic and Black Lives Matter movement has shined a light on the deep inequalities in our systems and institutions. The latest high-profile incidents of racism and harm towards Black people, the disproportionate impact of the pandemic on communities of color, and the impact of centuries of racial and economic oppression have now pushed a broader set of stakeholders in communities across the country to demand real justice, inclusion, and change.

Greening In Place:

Protecting Communities from Displacement



Ashley Gibbons

Heidi Liu 

Faizah Malik

Michelle O’Grady

Estefania Palacio

Mika Perron

Sissy Trinh

Marcos Trinidad



Shashi Hanuman

Antonio Hicks

Doug Smith


We offer an implementation guide that serves to help Community Organizations, Public Agencies, and Funders better understand how to better balance the need for parks and housing while mitigating the consequences of gentrification. This guide is a companion piece that should be used with the main guide  Greening In Place: Protecting Communities From Displacement

Greening in Place Webinar  (1).png

Can Equitable Green Development Protect Communities from Displacement?